Introduction to Cilk programming 1: parallel tasks

With a few Cilk keywords, OpenCilk extends C/C++ to support fork-join parallel programming, a simple and efficient model for writing fast code for multicore computers.

Task-parallel programming

Parallel programming involves writing instructions that can be executed on different processors simultaneously. Compared to serial programs, whose instructions (logically) execute one-at-a-time on a single processor, parallel programs can utilize multiple processing units to reduce the runtime of a computation. Historically, parallel programming has been considered substantially more difficult and error-prone than serial programming. OpenCilk aims to bridge this gap. OpenCilk supports the Cilk language extensions to C and C++, which make it easy to write parallel programs that are both correct and fast.

OpenCilk is a task-parallel platform that provides language abstractions for shared-memory parallel computations on multicore systems. As a Cilk programmer, you are only responsible for expressing the logical parallelism in your application, that is, which tasks may run in parallel. (With Cilk, there are no tasks which must run in parallel.) The OpenCilk compiler produces optimized parallel code, and the OpenCilk runtime system schedules and load-balances your computation onto the available processors in a way that is provably close to optimal.

When using the OpenCilk platform, you write code in the Cilk language, which extends C and C++ with a just few keywords to support task-parallel programming. Specifically, Cilk supports fork-join parallelism, a simple and effective form of task parallelism. Cilk provides linguistic mechanisms for spawning and parallel loops.

In this tutorial, we'll introduce spawning parallel tasks. Upcoming tutorials will also cover the following:

  • How to use parallel loops.
  • How to ensure your program is free of race bugs using the Cilksan tool.
  • How to determine the scalability of your program on multiple processors using the Cilkscale tool.
  • How OpenCilk runs your program to achieve good performance.

Adding parallelism with cilk_scope and cilk_spawn

You may think of a task or computation as a piece of code which contains serial and parallel regions. A serial region contains no parallelism and its tasks are executed in sequence, as usual. A parallel region has two distinguishing characteristics:

  1. Within the parallel region, functions may be spawned, i.e., they may be run in parallel with the caller.
  2. At the end of the parallel region, all functions that were spawned within it are synced, i.e., they have finished executing.

Functions within either a serial or parallel region may themselves contain serial and parallel regions, allowing for nested parallelism.

You can add parallelism to your program with just two keywords:

  • To indicate that a function may be spawned, put the cilk_spawn keyword before the function call. The cilk_spawn keyword tells the OpenCilk runtime system that the function may (but is not required to) run in parallel with the caller.
  • To delineate a parallel region, use the cilk_scope keyword before a block scope. The OpenCilk runtime system will ensure that execution will continue past the cilk_scope only after all functions that were spawned within it have returned, waiting if necessary.

For example, consider the C code below, which shows a parallel implementation for recursive computation of Fibonacci numbers. The cilk_scope creates a parallel region spanning lines 6–7. In line 6 the cilk_spawn keyword indicates that p_fib(n-1) may be executed at the same time as the rest of the parallel region (that is, the call to p_fib(n-2) in line 7). The end of the cilk_scope in line 8 guarantees that the spawned function has finished before the return statement in line 9 is executed.

int p_fib(int n) {
  if (n < 2)
    return n;                   // base case
  int x, y;
  cilk_scope {                  // begin lexical scope of parallel region
    x = cilk_spawn p_fib(n-1);  // don't wait for function to return
    y = p_fib(n-2);             // may run in parallel with spawned function
  }                             // wait for spawned function if needed
  return x + y;

A spawned function is called a child of the function that spawned it. Conversely, the function that executes the cilk_spawn statement is known as the parent of the spawned function. The code in the parent function that follows a spawn statement in a parallel region is called the parent continuation of the spawn.

Input arguments to a spawned function are passed as they normally would in serial code and are evaluated before the function is spawned. That is, the parent continuation may not start executing until the spawned child arguments have been evaluated.

Note: Any expression that is or can be converted to a function can be spawned. For instance, you can spawn a computation using a function pointer or member function pointer, as in:

var = cilk_spawn (object.*pointer)(arg1, arg2);

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

If you spawn a function that returns a value, make sure the spawned function has finished executing before using its returned value. The same is true for any state that may change as a side-effect of a spawned function.


cilk_scope {
  x = cilk_spawn p_fib(n-1);
  y = p_fib(n-2);
  return x + y;                     // value of x is indeterminate


cilk_scope {
  x = cilk_spawn p_fib(n-1);
  y = p_fib(n-2);
return x + y;                       // value of x is p_fib(n-1)

On a related note, if you spawn a function that returns a value, be sure to declare the variable which will receive the returned value before the cilk_scope block that uses it. Otherwise, that variable won't be defined outside the cilk_scope block (which is where its value is assigned).


cilk_scope {
  int x = cilk_spawn p_fib(n-1);
  int y = p_fib(n-2);
return x + y;                       // x and y are not defined

This pitfall may seem benign as it would typically lead to a compilation error, but note that it may introduce a subtle logical bug if the cilk_scope is nested within another scope that also uses x and y identifiers.


int x, y;
cilk_scope {
  x = cilk_spawn p_fib(n-1);
  y = p_fib(n-2);
return x + y;                     // x and y are defined

Be careful to ensure that pass-by-reference and pass-by-address arguments to a spawned function do not expire within the function's cilk_scope block, or else the function may outlive the arguments and attempt to use them after they have been destroyed. (Note that this is an example of a data race which would be caught by Cilksan.)

Serializing your parallel program

If you remove the cilk_spawn and cilk_scope keywords from a correct Cilk program, the result is a valid and correct serial program. For example, if you do this with the p_fib() function code above, you end up with the following function, which we call fib():

int fib(int n) {
  if (n < 2)
    return n;
  int x, y;
    x = fib(n-1);
    y = fib(n-2);
  return x + y;

Function fib() is the serial projection of p_fib(), which means it computes exactly the same result but without running any tasks simultaneously. So why bother with parallelism? Because of the difference in how fib() and p_fib() compute their (identical) results. For many computations, allowing tasks to run in parallel significantly reduces the runtime. We will see this in an upcoming tutorial, where we will analyze the performance of p_fib() compared to fib().